Learning any language is proven to develop communication skills and self-confidence. The Irish language is intrinsically linked to Irish culture and heritage, and learning the language is the perfect way to gain an understanding of our surroundings. From place names, to proverbs and even music, you will recognise the influence of the Irish language in many aspects of everyday life.
Classes in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich
Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich has a range of Irish classes suited to people of all levels of skill. Whether you are a complete beginner or someone who is looking to build on their previous learning, we can find a class to suit you.
Our classes are perfect for anyone who is looking to get back into a learning environment, or anyone who would like to take on a learning experience as a new hobby. The style of the classes is mainly conversational but they cover key grammar points which will help you improve your Irish no matter your ability.
Our classes are split into different levels based on ability, and encourage you to develop and to build on language skills you have learned in order to progress onto the next level when you are ready to do so. You are guaranteed to make new friends, and have great craic with your class and teacher while learning Irish! Sign up today!
What We Offer
We understand that not everyone will be starting out from the same point, so we have four different levels for our Irish classes in Cultúrlann. A brief outline of each class is given below to help you choose a class which best suits your ability.
Level 1: Total Beginners
We all start somewhere! Our Total Beginners’ class in Cultúrlann is perfect for those who have never learnt any Irish before, and would like to give it a go. This class is the ideal foundation to your language journey, starting out with simple words and phrases.
Level 2: Beginners
This Beginners’ class is ideal for anyone who has a cúpla focal but is more or less starting out. Here you will develop your knowledge of Irish, and learn how to form basic sentence contractions and answer simple conversational questions.
Level 3: Intermediate
Our Level 3 class is best suited to those who have moved on from the beginner stages, and are starting to build confidence with Irish. In these classes, you will learn to form some more complex sentence constructions and expand your vocabulary in Irish.
Level 4: Advanced
This level is perfect for those who are already quite confident with their Irish, and would like to build on basic fluency and develop their language skills. Our Level 4 class is all about putting the skills you have learned to use and continuing to build on them more independently.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get there?
Cultúrlann is located at 216 Falls Road, An Ceathrú Gaeltachta, Belfast, BT12 6AH.
You can find directions and more information on getting hereat this link.
How do I register for classes?
You can register for Irish classes online at Ticketsolve and can find out more information by emailing stiofan@culturlann.ie or phoning 028 9096 4180 You can also call in to see us in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich if you would like to register, or if you have any questions about our range of classes.
How much do classes cost?
The classes cost £30 for a 10 week course of classes.
How often and how long are the terms?
We have three terms of classes – Autumn, Winter and Spring, and each term generally lasts for about ten weeks. You can find a timetable for our classes here.
How do I know which level I'm at?
If you’re unsure which level to start out at, we can help you! If you feel that you’re not suited to a particular class, we are happy to move you to a level where you feel more comfortable.
What if I'm not ready to move on to the next level?
Everyone learns at a different pace! If you feel you would like to stay at the same level of classes for an extra term or two before moving up, that’s perfectly fine! You can advance to the next stage when you are comfortable to do so.
What do I need for class?
You will need to bring your payment on the first day of class, and make sure that you get a receipt once you have paid. You may also want to bring a notebook and pen or a folder for your notes.