Everyone in Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich would like to extend their warmest congratulations to Séamus and Seán Mac Seáin, who won the Glór na Gael prize for their achievements on behalf of the Irish language over the years.
The Glór na nGael prize is awarded to any person, people, organisation or group which has achieved a significant feat on behalf of the Irish language, or has obtained recognition for the Irish language. The two brothers Séamus and Seán were born and raised here in Belfast, and have not only influenced the Irish language community in Belfast but also further afield. They were both closely involved in community development and in different communities, especially the Irish language community in West Belfast. Their names along with other significant people have been mentioned in relation to the establishment of community projects including Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich and Coláiste Feirste.
The establishment of the Bóthar Seoighe Gaeltacht was one of the highlights in the development of Irish in Belfast City. It is timely that the original community based in this Gaeltacht area is celebrating 50 years this year, 2019, with the two Mac Seáin brothers so immersed in its establishment. In 1969, there were five houses built, and little by little thirty-one houses were built. A strong Irish language community grew from the families that were raised in those first five houses. In September 1971, following the establishment of the Gaeltacht, Bunscoil Ghaeilge Bhéal Feirste as it was then called (Bunscoil Phobal Feirste as it is now known) was founded, and after this Coláiste Feirste (or Meánscoil Feirste as it was then called) which was the seed for the establishment of Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich.
The board, staff and friends of Cultúrlann would like to extend their heartiest congratulations to Séamus and Seán, and express our utmost thanks for all the work they have done for the Irish language community.